#22: Don't Pardon The Disruption

Welcome Back and Don't Pardon the Disruption!

I really appreciate your support and wanted to share lessons with you from 2021.

It's been a great year in Brand Disruptors and I've launched a new program called Globally Authentic Intensive.

Then in June of 2021, I ended a 16 year relationship with my significant other. To say that things were rough is an understatement. In the midst of this breakup, I hosted an event for AICI (Association of Image Consultants International) and also hosted a retreat for clients in New Orleans, Louisiana.

So I needed to take time for myself from July to learn the lessons about the dysfunction in that relationship. 

Now, my commitment for 2022 is about my relationship with myself. I do generally treat myself well, but I realized I could be doing a whole lot better.

I learned 3 lessons from this breakup; When people are pushed up against a wall, they either:

  1. Excel
  2. Check out
  3. Get aggressive and fight back

I decided I was going to excel and take accountability for my part and how I was treating myself in the relationship.

Listen in to hear more about just what I did....
