Podcast #2 Make Time Your Bitch

If you are ready to make time your bitch, this episode is for you.

In this episode, we are going to learn the 7 Steps To Creating Time!

The truth about time is it’s something we create if we are willing to put in the work to set yourself up for more of it. You can stretch time with focusing and being present.

I decided to talk about this because one of the Brand Disruptors group course members came to me and was saying how she didn’t know how to get everything done, with the reading and the work and so on. And I realized they need to learn about structuring their time in order to get the work done.

We are going to go over everything from planning out your week, growing your business, creating goals and timelines, to rewarding yourself for all of the hard work you do!

We are going to learn how to push ourselves, constantly keep learning new things, and how to show up for yourself.

These steps will not be easy when you first start, but you have to embody these principles.

I’m going to leave you with this, you get to make time your bitch when you make it a priority. If you want to have a kick-ass business, and be an innovator you need to learn how to manage yourself within time.

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*Note- The Brand Disruptors Podcast is produced for the ear and made to be heard not read. We strongly encourage you to listen to the audio which includes emotion and emphasis that's not on the page. Transcripts are generated using a combination of speech recognition software and human transcribers and may contain errors. Please check the corresponding audio before quoting it in print.

Speaker 1 (00:02):
Hello. Hello. Hello, and welcome to make time your bitch. I decided to make this module for you guys, because I felt like it was like, this work can be overwhelming. And I want to make sure that you get the most out of this program, but also that you get the most out of your life. And in order to do that, you're going to have to make time you're a bitch. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to pull up a PowerPoint. I will be talking over the slides, but you'll still be able to see me, I think. And if not, it's fine. So you'll get to ask questions later, but basically I'm going to use these slides so we can stay on target so that you guys can stop and fill out the workbook and that you get, like I said, like you get the most out of this.

Speaker 1 (00:49):
So you want to make time for your bitch because you actually need to manage yourself within time. Like you don't manage time, you manage yourself within time and you do that by coming up with some practices that are gonna help you to do that. So I am going to share all of that with you in this presentation. So I'm going to get the slides up and then I will share that with you. So give me one second here. Alright. Share screen. So you get to look at all of them, skull folders, and then here we got, we're going to get this going.

Speaker 1 (01:35):
All right, guys. So the reason why I named it, this is because I wanted it to be really provocative. Like I wanted to make sure that you understood that you should be questioning everything, like question the things that I teach you, but also question the things that are like automatics in your life. And, you know, having a provocative photo like this one, and then having a provocative name is helping you to notice, like, what are you thinking about this photo? What are you thinking about? The fact that I named this, that I named this? What are you thinking about yourself as it comes to, as it relates to time. So start thinking about all those things as we go through this presentation.

Speaker 1 (02:23):
Alrighty. So here are the seven steps in this training. I want to talk about the seven steps and they are, they are this, like, you have to know what your goals and your priorities are, because if you don't, you're going to be spending time doing things that don't even make sense to you. You want to conduct a time audit. This is going to tell you how you are spending your time. I think a lot of us are wasting more time than we know. And we say that we don't have time, but really we're not. We're not, we're not focusing on the things that we need to be focusing on when we're using our time in the wrong way. The third step is that decide what must happen. There are some things for us that are just non-negotiables and you need to figure out what those are.

Speaker 1 (03:07):
So for me, a nonnegotiable is like, I get to take a bath every morning or at night, like whenever I decide that I want to do it, but I want to make sure that I have the time to do it. I'm not a shower person. I'll take a shower when I have to wash my hair, something like that, but it's not my thing. So I make sure that I have time for my bath for show up for yourself. So this is really more about like you stepping into who you say you want to be and showing up for yourself, create time with the 5:00 AM protocol. It's exactly what it says. So waking up early, if you're a morning, person might work for you. Like right now, I'm doing this. It's probably 5:00 AM right now. And it's because I have like, the day is already stacked and I had to move some things around because I'm going I have a medical appointment.

Speaker 1 (04:03):
So we'll talk more about that. Cause you don't have to get up early in the morning. If you're not a morning person, I get it all in the calendar. I have a video that I'm going to share with you guys as part of this series. So you can learn how to use the calendar, get everything in the calendar and use it more efficiently than probably most of us are. And then be flexible and know that you own time, right? So that's like the big piece of this. Alright, let's get to it. And when you get your workbooks, I want you to follow along, go back rewatch this, and then go with the workbook. All right. So the truth about Tom is that it's a social construct, right? If we look at this from the metaphysical world, time is made up time. Doesn't really exist, but we do have to live within.

Speaker 1 (04:56):
And we know that we have to show up at work at a certain time and we have to show up at our house for a certain time. So we do need to get to, we do get to manage that. And it's something that you create. If you're willing to put in the work and set yourself up for more of it, you can stretch time with focus and being present. So I want you to really start to think about, are you present in your line and are you focusing on the things that you want to focus on or that inspire you? Alright, either you run the day or the day runs you Jim Rome. He said this he's a great motivational leader. He's always teaching about leadership and things of that nature. So it's absolutely true. You either run the day or your day runs you.

Speaker 1 (05:41):
Wow. Shadows in here are awful this morning. That's what happens when you do your work in Fairmont in the early more. Alright, so why don't we do this? So it started off with it really started off with one of you, like, what are you guys in the program said to me like, Oh my God, I don't know how to get all this stuff done. I've been doing all the reading. I've been doing this. I've been doing that. And I was like, wait a minute. I guess I didn't really set them up to really think about how to structure their time and how to get it done. Now I realize that some of your thing, but me, you don't have kids. You don't have to go to another job, but guys, I do have other stuff that I'm doing and we do. We get to have it all.

Speaker 1 (06:29):
We get to fit it all in. Gosh, this is so annoying. Please tell me how to fix this. Hold on. Hold on guys. Alright. So anyway so it started with conversation. We wanted to see our clients went in and I decided that I'm going to be doing this training. So you guys can learn how to make timing, bitch. Cause time and money are the biggest issues on the planet, right? So you want to make sure that you get your time and your money together. So we got a money, money module. So why not have a time model? All right. So I'm going to jump off of the video now and then kind of go through this with you guys. Okay. Here we go. So determine your goals and your priorities. When you get your workbook, this there's going to be some, some prompts in the workbook to help you with this.

Speaker 1 (07:18):
So really what you want to think about is what do you want to create in your life and in your business? And do you have your goals written down? I typically work with mine in a 90 day increments. I got this from one of my coaches, Gina Davine, and one of the things that she told me, it was like, you only need to be concentrating on one to three goals. Every 90 days. I never worked in a 90 day cycle when I was working for you know, working for the government as a public manager. But it makes so much sense. Like I love doing this quarterly, this quarterly thing and this yearly thing. And I never really thought about it unless it was budget time. Right. So I want you guys to really start thinking about your goals in one to three month increments. And I mean, one to three goals in a 90 day increments. So in the workbook, there is an example of how you do this. So the big thing is that you want to come up with the big goals and then work backwards to try to achieve it. And I have an example in the workbooks and make sure that you take a look at that. And then there's a place for you to go back in and do the work for yourself.

Speaker 1 (08:30):
The next thing that you get to do is conduct a time audit. So it's important to get a real sense of how you currently use time before you look to improve your productivity. So what I'd like for you guys to do is there is a, an exercise in the workbook that talks about how to conduct a time audit. And basically, you know, you can do this by setting up a time log to say, okay and not, not like a schedule, but a time log. Like how are you spending your time? Not like, how do you plan to spend your time? They're very different. So make sure that you create this time that you conduct this time audit before you even move forward with the next step.

Speaker 1 (09:21):
Excuse me, decide what must happen. So most of us, like I said, Bo Beth for me, got to do it, gotta have it there. That's like one of my daily practices that I must have. So I want you guys to start thinking about what's a must have for you. Is it spending time with your family? Is it reading to your kids at night? Is it spending time with your significant other? Is it is it meditation? Is it working with clients? Like what are your non-negotiables and they get to happen, right? So write those down, make sure you have them. And then we'll, we'll talk about that. So I want you to talk about in the workbook, there's a space for you to write out three to five of your non-negotiables and this could be daily, or it could be weekly or monthly, but make sure that you put what it is for you.

Speaker 1 (10:12):
All right. So you want to show up for yourself. Step four is showing up for yourself and that's, you know, if you say what you're up to, and most of you are up to big things. Otherwise you wouldn't be in this program that you have got to, like, you didn't sign up to do this work to just go through the motions. I want you guys to really dig deep, to really go for it and to really show up for you. And when you show up for you, you show for everybody else, right? When you're able to show up for yourself, you're able to show up for everyone else.

Speaker 1 (10:46):
Now the biggest part of the seven steps is this, right? We're going to be creating time with the 5:00 AM protocol. There's a author named Robin Sharma who wrote this book called the 5:00 AM club. And in this book he has like these 10 principles of genius. And I absolutely love them. And I think that by incorporating them in your life, you're going to see how you can actually create lots more time for yourself. So the first thing that that's in this book is the tight bubble of total focus. So basically what this means is that you, this is number one. And basically what it means is that you are always present, but you're always focusing, right? We get so distracted by our digital devices, by our, the needs of our kids, by the needs of our family members, by the needs of our clients. And what, what he teaches us to do is to refrain from opening email. First thing in the morning, refrain from checking your text messages every five to 10 minutes, refrain from all of the things that distract you and just stay in this tight bubble of focus as much as you can.

Speaker 1 (12:10):
Number two, which is my favorite, it's called the 90, 91 90, 91 rule. And it really helps with productivity. And in this room you are using the, the first 90 minutes of the next 90 days to do the one thing that's going to propel either your life or your business or your, whatever it is that you want to work on to propel it forward. Most of us would probably use this for business, but you're using the first 90 minutes of your Workday in order to achieve this. So whatever that is for you, it could be sales, it could be client acquisition, it could be learning how to create a course for for your clients. It could be, it could be anything. So make sure that for the next 90 days that you are taking the first 90 minutes of every work day to work on that one thing, that's gonna get you forward. And I assure you that it's going to change your life. When you can focus that much on one project, do you know how much faster are you going to go through it? So you might be able to get three things done and the 90 days, but make sure that they're all in the same, you know, the same kind of focus.

Speaker 2 (13:34):

Speaker 1 (13:35):
Number three, the 60 10 method. So after you've done this 90, 91 protocol, you're going to be doing the 60 10 method, which means that you're going to work for 60 minutes and then take 10 minute breaks. And the breaks could be going outside, taking a walk. It could be you know, chatting with coworkers. If you're in your office, it could be taking a quick nap if that's what you need to do. So make sure that you're staying within the timeframe though. So 60 minutes of work like concentrated work, you don't get to get up. You don't get to do, and you don't even get to the bathroom. You don't get to go get a snack. Like you need to be focused at your desk, sitting, standing for 60 minutes, and then you take your 10 minute break. And typically you can get two of these done after your 90 minute protocol in a day. So if you can structure your meetings with clients, with your boss, like if you can structure those meetings in the afternoon, when your energy is a little bit lower and you can really just kind of like absorb the information and be a little more creative in the morning. You want to use it? Yeah.

Speaker 2 (14:52):
Time just stay focused. All right,

Speaker 1 (14:55):
Well, that's the 60 10 method. And then the fourth thing is the daily five concept. So you want to make sure it with the daily five concept that you're not over creating things for yourself to do, right? So you want to have only five goals that you're trying to achieve in a day or five wins that you achieve in a day. So for an example, it could be let's see, we're going to work on brand disruptors for the first 90 minutes of today, right? We're going to do that today. And that'll be a win when we get that done or the next thing could be let's see, have meeting with Boston, discuss the new equity position. So whatever it is, like, make sure that it feels like a win to you and you want to celebrate those wins, right? So five a day, no more than five. That way you won't be

Speaker 2 (15:54):
Sabotaging yourself. All right.

Speaker 1 (15:57):
Number five, the second one workout. So we're assuming that you're getting up first thing in the morning and working out right with this protocol. So the second wind workout is the workout that you will be doing after dinner, right before dinner is to give you a second wind at night. So you will go and maybe do some more work. Maybe you'll do some reading. Maybe you'll do some relaxing. It doesn't matter. But the second one workout helps you to increase your energy and gives you, gives your brain more power to actually focus. So there are so many benefits of this. All of this information is going to be in your workbook. So I just want to present these ideas to you, and then we'll go through the workbook and then you can

Speaker 2 (16:43):
Go through the steps for yourself.

Speaker 1 (16:46):
This one's my favorite. Number six, I must admit it's the two massage protocol. And I realized that what I'm about to say is probably a little controversial. And a lot of you probably say, I don't have the money to do that yet. And the just say yet, don't, don't block yourself from this. Because what you'll realize is that this is actually going to help you to create more money. And the premise is this of this is that you get two 90 minute deep tissue massages per week. So if you're doing these two workouts, you're doing, you're very focused. You're doing the work. You're going to need these massages because they're going to help you to replenish and repair. So you want to make sure that this is something that you can do if you can't do two per week, start off with one a month or one every other month, and then start to start to increase them as your finances increase, but work yourself up to two per week to 90 minute deep tissue massage.

Speaker 1 (17:48):
And you'll a time for it or you'll die. Like in the book, he says that he's like, Oh, but you'll find the time to die. So yeah. Find the time to have these massages done. Plus you'll enjoy them. I mean, I don't know. There are some people who don't enjoy massages. I'm not one of them. I can get a massage every day. All right. Number seven traffic university. So if you're commuting anywhere, like if you need to go to if you're driving to work, which most of us are not right now, if you're driving to work, you should be using that time to be listening to podcasts like brand disruptors, or you can be listening to other podcasts books on tape, but not, not novels. Do you want to be using things that will increase your knowledge of your industry or increase your knowledge of productivity, things of that nature.

Speaker 1 (18:40):
But anytime you're in the car, instead of listening to music, unless the music motivates you, like don't get into a habit of only listening to music in the car. Number eight is the dream team technique. Gosh, this one's big. I used to believe that I cannot afford to have a team. And if you're in business, you can afford not to have a team. You can't, you can't afford, you can't afford not to have one. My business really changed when I first hired a VA because I was, I was not bogged down with some of the little minute details that really weren't in my wheelhouse. Right? And it exponentially changed when I hired an online business manager and she was able to, you know, she and I were able to decide on what the priorities were for the business, but then also what are the next steps that we need to take each week?

Speaker 1 (19:35):
So it was almost like having an accountability coach, but also someone who is in, who has the knowledge of business to help me to propel that forward. So guys, if you're in business for yourself, the next thing that you need to do is start thinking about how can you hire someone who is opposite of you? So if you're a visionary, you need an implementer. If you're an implementer, you need a visionary. So figure out where you are in that, that whole space and hire a dream team staff. So now I have let's see, I have the VA, the online business manager, copywriter and a graphic designer. So all of those people are working on my team to help me to get everything that I do for you guys. Like they're helping me to do that. So make sure that you get the dream team that you need.

Speaker 1 (20:31):
Number nine, the weekly design system. So on Sunday morning, I meet with my online business manager. Oh, I'm still on, Oh, we're still here. I mean, with my business manager and after we get off the call, I do my planning for the week. So I'm either planning like what I'm going to be. Well, I've already had my client meetings already set up, but what, where in that time, I'm not going to be able to work on some of the things that she's given me to do. And also what do I want to do? Like prioritize my time. So I do that. And I also look at my financials for the week. I do it every week. So it's more so and we can create this for you guys if you want it. So let me know what you're looking at. What's coming in and looking at what's going out and you should be doing this weekly.

Speaker 1 (21:22):
Some people do it monthly. I like to do it weekly because it helps me to determine, okay, what do I need to get? What do I need to make happen this week? So let's just say, I have you know, the I have to pay my online business manager this week, or I'm doing payroll. Like, what is that going to, what is that going to require of me? And based on what's coming in and what's going out, what do I need to do? So you want to make sure that you're planning for your financials, but also that you're planning for what are you going to be doing during doing during the week? All right. So do that the weekly design system, and then finally, the 60 minute student you should, every day you should be taking 60 minutes an hour to do some studying, whatever that is.

Speaker 1 (22:10):
It could be you know, learners are earners, like people who learn, they actually make the most money. And this is the same kind of stuff that you would use in traffic university. So books, podcasts, videos, webinars my business manager and I are both looking at his webinar from a copywriter cause we're working on improving my sales page, the current copywriter that I have, she's working on brand disruptors, workbooks. So we don't want to take her away from that. Plus I want to develop my own skills as a copywriter, just so I'll know. What's good copy. And you know, good copy is what, when you know you want to buy it. So if I want to buy it from myself, that it's good copy. So make sure that you're using that time to, to propel yourself forward. So if it's a skill you want to develop, if it's something else that you want to create in your life, use the 60 minute be the 60 minutes suit and use that time for that.

Speaker 1 (23:11):
Alright. Number six, get it all in the calendar. I created a video for you guys to show you exactly how I use the, get it all in your calendar step. And basically what I'm doing is taking my calendar and using it as a list. So a lot of us have our to do list every day. I use my calendar for that. So if I want to, so if it starts off that I need to let's just say I to go meet my niece for lunch. I'm going to put it on my calendar and I'll make sure I'm putting in time for travel on both sides, right? Because I'm not going to be able to be doing any work in that time. Or I could be making phone calls. The other part of this is that my team and I work from a software called teamwork. And like I said, my online business manager guy she'll come in and she'll type up. She'll put in all the things that we get to do during the week. So I can actually go from teamwork, copy and paste it into my calendar and just fill up my calendar that way. So I am going to show you guys an example of that in the video, that is part of this training,

Speaker 2 (24:30):

Speaker 1 (24:31):
And then finally you said, be flexible and know that you own time. Like time is truly your bitch when you can do this. So discipline equals freedom, right? So if we live under the premise that discipline equals freedom, you do have more time to do the stuff that you want to do. You do have more time to be flexible. Now let me be clear. You cannot always be flexible with your time. Right now, I am in multiple launches. I am, you know, working on this program. I am also growing my business. So I don't really have a lot of free time. And it's okay because I know that after all of this is done, like I am going to reward myself. I am going to take some time off. I am going to do the things that I need to do to replenish and you get to do the same thing. So be flexible with your time when it warrants it, if you need to rest rest, but do not stop. Don't take this as an opportunity to, to, to get yourself out the game, right? Be flexible. No, you own your time. Take the time that you need to rest.

Speaker 1 (25:47):
Alright, so Tom will be your bitch. If you follow the steps outlined in this presentation, like no kidding. And like start to embody these things. It's not going to be easy when you first start, like I get it. When I had to read the book like three times in order to even get the protocol down. And which is another reason why I like to teach it because when I teach it, it becomes more embodied. So you guys get to do the same thing. You have to embody these principles. And then yet you guys know who I am. So this is about me. How to reach me, yada, yada, yada. Anyway, I'm going to stop the share now. And I am going to leave you guys with this. Like you get to make time your bitch when you make that a priority. So if you say that you want to have the things that you want to have in your life. You want to be a disruptor. You want to be an, you want to have a kick ass business. Like you get to learn how to do this. You get to learn how to manage yourself within time, making time. Your bitch will help you to do that. So I hope you enjoyed this model. I definitely want to hear your comments. I'm going to upload this for you guys. And yeah. I want to hear all about it. I want to hear about your wins too. So take care.

